Zu Bladeworx Australia
ZU Bladeworx Australia was created by Matt Lucarnus in 2016. ZU Bladeworx is a Defence Contractor and the manufacturer of the H2HFW (Nomad Mk4) Knife for the Australian Army and the Commonwealth of Australia. ZU Bladeworx is contracted to NIOA (Defence Prime) to complete this project under the Commonwealth Land 159 Lethality Programme. ZU Bladeworx has also completed a battalion level contract for 1RAR and the School of Infantry (supply of the Nomad Mk2 Knife) and is a registered vendor to the ADF (Roman Vendor No. 1210268). You can find out further information about Land 159 at the following link – https://www.defence.gov.au/news-events/releases/2022-09-30/adf-signs-next-generation-weapons
ZU Bladeworx is a manufacturer of high end knives, specializing in rescue and edged tools for Australian Police and Defence Force personnel. We also manufacture knives for sportspeople and collectors who like to engage in hunting and outdoor endeavors, or who like to collect knives. All our knives are made in Queensland, Australia and are legal for Queensland residents to own and collect. Carrying a knife in Queensland requires a legal purpose (such as hunting) so please seek your own legal advice whether you can carry one of our knives on your person.
Most of our knives are sold via preorder. We sell direct to Australia, the USA, Canada, and some parts of Europe. You can find out details of our upcoming preorders via our social media platforms.